The Christmas party season is fast approaching and for some it has already begun. So, in keeping with tradition, you’re invited to make merry with guild members past and present at our Christmas party held at Teekkaritalo(Kalervontie 7) on Friday 14.12.2018. There will be entertainment on offer as well as ham, mulled wine and the unveiling of the new fresh-out-the-oven governing body of 2019! If that doesn’t warm your cockles then the sauna most certainly will, so make sure to have your own bottles and towels at the ready. Rumour has it that the brand-spanking-new Teekkaritalo hot-tub may be operational and open for us to dip our toes in and then some. More information will be made available closer to the date and if you have any questions the guild’s teekkari-officer Janne Kilponen is happy to answer to them.